Unlimited Contacts

Managing contacts is easy with our intuitive interface that makes it quick to search for the contact you need or add new ones. Simply drag-n-drop into groups for easier management - it's just like organizing files on your computer! Choose list or card view to access the most important ones first-- no matter how many you have.

Create Smart List

THE DIGITREE's smart list feature is a powerful tool to organize your contacts. You can create different kinds of lists (e.g. Leads, Contractors, 1040 Tax, Tax Planning) and use them to filter your contact list, send bulk emails, or text message campaigns.

Smart filtering:

Filter contacts into specific lists so your team can quickly find them - no more scrolling through long lists of contacts. Send bulk emails or messages and get them added to the dialer system quickly and easily..

Quick Tagging

Who can forget the last time they found themselves scrolling through a contact list, looking for that elusive person?

Effortless label management:

Tagging contacts with labels is easy - just select the label you want to apply and click on the contact's name. That's it! We also offer automations that can automatically tag your contacts with labels based on their behavior. The options are limitless.

Save time and money

Bulk options makes it easy to find and add leads to your automated campaign, marketing sequence, or “drip” campaign.

Save time with pre-written & pre-load scripts

Unlike other tools out there, we provide you with pre-written scripts to use while you create your campaign, making it so that you don't have to waste time coming up with what to say. Just add your personal details and offer and publish!

We've solved your writers block

No need for an expensive marketing when you have
THE DIGITREE. Our done for you marketing campaign does all of the work for a fraction of the price!

Saves time and money..!



Support Hub


Dailer System

Funnel Builder

Training Portal

Reputation Management

Payments & Invoicing

Socail media calendar



Virtual Assistance




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Getting Started



Let’s talk about what The Digitree can do for your business.
